Complacency, Distraction, and Addiction

The Greatest Enemies of Progression

I started this Blog almost two years ago with a dream of changing the world one idea and one person at a time.

I remember wanting to send out the blog to all my friends and hoping to write in it every week with new ideas and build upon the discussion.

Obviously that never happened.  I told myself it wasn't good enough yet to send around.  I needed to fine tune it more and make sure it would be interesting enough to read and wouldn't offend anyone.

After a few weeks I got busy with other things like work and family and hobbies and I set my dream aside.  I figured, what's the point?  I'm sure no one will really read it or care and it will just be a waste of time.  There are so many other ways I can spend my time and my life is really pretty good anyway, so why worry?

These types of thoughts are the greatest enemies of progression.  If we truly want to create a better world where billions of people aren't starving and abused daily; where corporate interests and the capitalist system aren't trading our future resources for current short-term profits; Then we will have to get out of our comfort zones and take some risks.

So many of us want to make the world a better place but we just don't know where to start.  There are just so many distractions to take our attention that it is very hard to take the time to ponder and meditate on the big picture and find a way to take action.

To say a word on Addictions.  These are the biggest distractions in life that can take the most from us in time, health, and freedom.  Whether it's alchohol, cigarettes, pornography, drugs, or even just any form of addictive hobby like too much T.V. or Video Games, we need to work together to help each other overcome these addictions so we can live life to the fullest and focus more on the things that really matter.

Personally, I've always struggled with playing too many Online Video Games.  I will make a full post on this sometime in the future to explain more but to summarize here, I know first hand how addictive certain things can be and the tolls they can take on our lives.  I also know that every addiction can be beaten with the right help and the right motivation.  The first and most important step I beleive is to have a dream!  A dream of a better world and a better life for yourself and for everyone around you.  Which for me means everyone on the entire planet, for we are all brothers and sisters on Spaceship earth and every little choice we make can have an impact on everyone and everything else.

Therefore, I'm going to keep trying.  I'm going to start again, and this time I hope I'll do it right!

Please comment or send me suggestions or constructive critisism anytime.  The more discussion we have the easier it will be for us to acomplish all our dreams together.


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